Sunday, March 21, 2010

How I Found Jesus on the Job

Corporate America can be unforgiving when we look to find Jesus on the job. His spiritual philosophy has been lost in the competition to survive and prosper. I have seen moral and ethical values fade and I have known many, whose greed has won the battle between the hours of eight to five. Slowly, a shift is unfolding and people are awakening to the reality that loosing your soul on the job -- is not the path to inner happiness.

My journey began in Corporate America thirty-four years ago. From the beginning, my goal much like many people has been to work hard, pursue a career that brings satisfaction, and in return, earn a decent living. My road has been full of blessings and challenges. There have been times; I’ve had to confront the fact that I found myself going down the wrong path. I’ve had positions where I felt completely under utilized, not valued, and confused when confronted by people who demonstrate a competitive spirit. I have watched strong leaders focus on the demands of running a public company, only to leave their morals at the door.

As a Christian, I never felt comfortable openly expressing my need to follow the example set by Jesus to overcome the challenges I face on the job. Instead, God has found me seeking His answers in private. Working in a job that is unfulfilling, has only served to deflate my spirit and confirm I have so much more to give before I reach my full potential.

Sometimes it takes a life-changing event to hear God’s dreams for us. Two years ago, I was working in a toxic environment for a controlling manager who called herself a Christian, but seemed conflicted about how to lead others in the work place. In 2008, it had become clear to me I had lost my way. I found myself restless, stressed out and unhappy with my work. It was during this low point I was diagnosed with cancer. Hearing those words changes everything. Time stands still and you realize in that moment you have a choice in how you want to live your life. From that moment forward, I chose to live my life with clear intention.

A week later, I began daily radiation and chemotherapy treatments. I went into the office through my first round of chemo, but soon found it necessary to work from home. My absense from the office became a source of conflict and the support and compassion I had hoped to find from my manager, never materialized. Following my last round of chemo, I was hospitalized and once I came home, I was unable to get out of bed for anothertwo-weeks. It was during this stillness, I came to terms with the fact it was time to change my focus.

One of the most difficult things to do is to change the way we imagine our place in life. Nothing is more challenging. On the other hand, once this change takes place, nothing could be more revitalizing, because your eyes open to a different world.

I asked Jesus to step in and help me redirect my career. I was ready to live out my passion and commit to my writing. I promised to dedicate whatever time I have left to focusing on my love for writing and ultimately serving others. I didn’t know how I would make my dream a reality. All I could do was pray every day that He would show me a new way.

Within days, His plan for the second phase of my life revealed itself during a routine walk with my neighbor. I shared my thoughts and desire for a new writing career with my friend. She responded by sharing that she had just heard from a long time family friend, who was writing his autobiography and in need of an editor. One year later, I look back over my yearlong association with this wise 88-year old man, and I feel so blessed to have been given the opportunity to contribute to the writing of his incredible life story.

I am now cancer free and feel fortunate to finally be living my dream. Today, Jesus is with me every day on the Job. I believe it was as easy as asking Him into my heart and being open to the possibility that He would redirect my life and allow me to fulfill my purpose.


Whidbeywoman said...

Right on! :)

Marie said...

Wow! What an inspiration to me today. I too would love to have a career in writing..thence the blogging..and your story today has given me the shot in the arm I need to go seek out new opportunities. I love the serendipity of that walk with your neighbor leading you to your dream...but perhaps as the saying goes, there is no such thing as is merely God's way of making His presence felt.May we always cherish our dreams, as they are the blueprints of our ultimate accomplishments.